Black Girl Nerds is a place for women to express themselves freely and
embrace who they are. This is not a site exclusively for Black women.
It’s for ALL women who are just as nerdy as we are. The site is
called Black Girl Nerds because the concept of Black women as
geeky-dorky beings is somewhat of an anomaly. It’s against the order
of things in the “Black Girl” world. This is a website for every
nerdy girl that can finally come out of the closet and tell the world
they they are PROUD to be who they are—no matter what anyone says,
does, or think. This is a place where you can truly be yourself and
not be judged by others. If you are the one who may feel ashamed to
say they prefer to cozy up to a book on a Friday night or listen music
that stimulates your spirit rather than your hips, then perhaps this
is the place for you. If its not that’s okay too…we still love you
anyway 😉
About Jamie:
Jamie Broadnax has been blogging since 2007. During that year she
collaborated with her co-worker and future writing partner at a lousy
student loan company. While receiving email inquiries from college
students, she was blogging about the New York independent film scene.
The blog NYIndieSeen was birthed and open the doors of opportunity to
a myriad of film festivals in the city such as the Big Apple Film
Festival, Hamptons Film Festival, and the Tribeca Film Festival.
Unfortunately the economic collapse of 2008, led her to the
unemployment line and she could no longer live in her expensive zip
code of 10012.
Jamie moved back home to the place of her childhood Virginia Beach, VA
and started a second blog called VAIndieSeen about the Virginia
independent film scene. The blog was short lived and never gained the
momentum that her New York blog had. In 2010 Jamie relocated to
Wilmington, NC due to a job transfer and birthed NCIndieSeen (you can
see where this is going right?)
The Wilmington-based North Carolina blog is one of the few blogs about
independent film in one of the largest-growing film communities in the
U.S. The blog is well received by a number of local film artists and
she’s been invited to festivals such as the North Carolina Black Film
Festival, Cucalorus, and Cape Fear Independent Film Festivals.
In February 2012 Jamie decided to launch the blog Black Girl Nerds.
After an evening of boredom Jamie “Googled” the term Black Girl Nerds
and nothing came up in the world’s largest search engine. It was that
night that the blog was born. There was a Facebook for BGN that was
launched a year before the blog was published and a large number of
Facebook fans have supported the blogsite.
In her spare time Jamie likes to write, read books, and play The Sims
on her iPad. She loves watching shows like “True Blood” and “Grey’s
Anatomy”. Socially inept at times, Jamie prefers to stay at home and
watch a great movie rather than hanging out at nightclubs—hence the
reason why she’s still single. She welcomes all BGN’s to contribute
to this site and loves to fellowship with other nerdy black girls.
Visit BlackGirlNerds.com
Hi Jamie,
This is Daddy,
I love you and I miss you and I think about you a lot.
Love, Daddy