drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co. a Exquisite~Exceptional~ Full Service Events Couture Boutique where we handle the details.. the drezrehersal…the I Do’s. & a wide spectrum of specialty services that include Marketing/PR & Concierge. At drezrehersal , the professional team uses their experience to make each event one-of-a-kind.
About Our Blogs…
In addition to producing events, Kimberly Clark has a blog: the details…the drezrehersal..the I Do’s… where we talk about all things wedding, events and lifestyle planning. She is also a contributing Blogger for Chocolate Brides the #1 bridal online destination for African American women and Weddzilla. At Chocolate Brides she has a weekly Wedding Wednesday column called ASK KIMBERLY!. Should any Bride or Groom have a wedding ,event or lifestyle question? They can email the question and we’ll post the answer anonymously at ChocolateBrides.com the following Wedding Wednesday. At Weddzilla Kimberly offers Brides drezrehersal Tips each Monday on Lifestyle/Wedding Planning, should they take the route of DIY (Do It Yourself) and not have their day turn into a DID (Do It Disaster). drezrehersal Tips Before & After the I Do’s. Alternative suggestions to save costs, however still have the wedding of their dreams and create an experience for the guests. So often they get wrapped-up in the planning process and forget about the Union they are about to enter into.
About Kimberly Clark…
Kimberly Clark is the creative mind & producer of drezrehersal Event Planning Co. Kimberly applies her expertise & visualization to produce one-of-kind surroundings that evoke awe-inspiring reactions. Her exquisite weddings & events include a rich interplay of flowers, fabrics, props and lighting, which meld to create an ambiance of color & mood. Her ability to listen and effectively interpret clients’ wishes and her attention to detail has made Kimberly & her team a premiere full-service wedding & event design company.
Kimberly received an AA in Fashion Merchandising & BA in Design/Marketing. She has been awarded Event Producer of the Year; Nominated in 2008 & 2009 for Best Wedding Planner on myfoxla’s HOTLIST , named one of Who’s Who In Black Los Angeles for 2008 along with renowned artist Steve Wonder and many more. Recently named for a second year Who’s Who In Black Los Angeles with a Memorial Tribute to Michael Jackson and a Special Tribute to the World Champion Los Angeles Lakers and honored Continental Who’s Who in 2008. Kimberly passion is planning stylish weddings and events & her motto is live everyday like it’s a FABULOUS Party.
Put you event in the hands of a PROFESSIONAL!
Wedding & Event Producer drezrehersal Event Planning & Lifestyle Co. By Appointment Only Studio: 1.818.355.7951 www.drezrehersal.com Blog: www.drezrehersaleventplanning.blogspot.com Like Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/drezrehersalEventPlanningCo Twitter: www.twitter.com/weplanevents *Contributing Blogger for Chocolate Brides and Weddzilla
Black Blog of the Week at The Black Blogger Network to get your blog featured, email us at BlackBloggerNet@gmail.com
This sounds like a great planning company. Glad to see a sister working it!
Why do we think Obama is so great? Is it really because he is black that we think he is so great? Have you ever examined the promises he made to the country and broke less then 90 days after getting into office? All 90 of them? You probably believe just making promises to the blacks is enough. Or you probably believe that finally we have gotten our due because now we blacks have our own president that is going to take care of us. You would be wrong on both counts. Obama has hurt us blacks. Check out his promises and publish the truth for the sake of blacks and for the sake of our country. Now you have a purpose.